Damien Hirst Souls


Damien Hirst's Souls series presents a captivating exploration of life, death, and the essence of being. Departing from his earlier works, which often featured preserved animals and pharmaceutical-inspired installations, the "Souls" series showcases a more introspective and philosophical dimension of Hirst's artistic vision.

Each artwork in Souls features a single butterfly foil print, delicately arranged within its own frame. With the white backgrounds being the constant feature in this body of work, the viewer is free to enjoy the shifting colour palletes of each butterfly print. 

Hirst's choice of butterflies as the focal point is rich with symbolism. Butterflies have long been associated with transformation, rebirth, and the journey of the soul in various cultural and spiritual traditions. By isolating these delicate creatures within individual frames, Hirst emphasizes their singular beauty and significance, inviting viewers to contemplate the ephemeral nature of life and the mysteries of existence.

Furthermore, everything about this exhibition is geared towards viewers' experience of themselves as individuals. The singular focus on each butterfly print encourages introspection and personal reflection, fostering a deep connection between the viewer and the artwork.

Sould serves as a powerful reminder of Hirst's prowess as an image-maker. Through his meticulous curation and arrangement of butterfly prints, Hirst demonstrates his ability to create images that resonate deeply with viewers on both an emotional and intellectual level. The series exemplifies Hirst's capacity to evoke profound and introspective responses, affirming his status as one of the most influential artists of his generation.

Damien Hirst's Souls serves as a poignant meditation on the human condition, encouraging viewers to confront their own mortality while finding solace in the enduring beauty of the natural world. It stands as a testament to Hirst's ability to create images and projects that not only captivate the eye but also touch the soul.

April 30, 2024